Summer is Coming! Get Smart About Good Skin Care!
By President Donna Orrico
May 16, 2018

The members of the Bedford FD are wearing black to promote Skin Cancer/Melanoma awareness for the month of May.
The warmer weather is on the horizon and it is important for everyone to practice good skin care. Even when you can't see the sun there are harmful rays that can affect your skin.

Who doesn't love to be outdoors in good weather? We wait all winter for the warmer weather!

In an effort to prevent skin cancer, practice some of these steps of protection:
1. Use sunscreen. You want to use a 15 SPF or higher. You also want to apply it several times if you are going to be exposed to the sun rays for an extended period of time.
2. Cover up. When possible where long sleeves, cover your legs, and wear a hat!
3. Stay out of the sun rays between 10AM and 4PM when there can be the greatest risk.
4. Don't use indoor tanning beds.
5. See a dermatologist regularly. Don't have one? Ask a friend. There are many great dermatologists out there!

You are at higher risk for the most dangerous type of skin cancer (melanoma) if you have:
-Unusual moles (moles that change color, grow unevenly, or change in texture)
-A large number of moles (more than 50)
-A family history of melanoma or unusual moles
-Fair skin that burns easily
-A personal history of many blistering sunburns, especially when you were a child or teenager

There are many great websites out there with tips, tricks, and useful information. We have a few that we found that we thought you would find helpful posted below.

Source: "Take Steps to Prevent Skin Cancer" US Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,

*As always we have no affiliation with the websites that we have chosen. We have chosen the websites because we feel that they have helpful information about the topic.

Hyperlinks: American Academy of Dermatology Association
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Skin Cancer Foundation