National Poison Prevention Week
By Second Assistant Fire Chief Shawn Carmody
March 27, 2014

The third week of March is National Poison Prevention Week. This awareness activity is sponsored by the National Safety Council and Health Resources and Services Administration (

The National Poison Help line is staffed 24 hours per day every day by nurses, pharmacists, doctors and other experts. They respond to more that 2 million poisoning exposures every year. The national number is 1-800-222-1222. They offer help in over 161 different languages. If you suspect someone has been poisoned do not hesitate to call.
Almost anything can be poisonous if used in the wrong concentration and in the wrong way. Children are especially sensitive to many of the products we use during spring cleaning, painting, gardening and automobile maintenance.

Here are some hints for keeping your self and family safe:

· Keep household cleaning products and other chemicals in the containers they came in, and always store them away from food and out of the reach of children.

· Never uses empty food containers to store left over chemicals. Never use empty chemical containers to store food.

· Read and follow directions for use and disposal of any cleaning compounds, pesticides, fertilizers or any other chemical product.

· Never mix chemicals, including household cleaners, or detergents.

· Turn on fans and open windows when using chemicals or household cleaners.

· Don’t sniff containers to see what is inside.

· When spraying chemicals, direct the nozzle away from people and pets.

· Bug and weed killers can be taken in through the skin or inhaled and can be poisonous. Even leather shoes and gloves do not offer full protection, so stay away from areas that have been sprayed for at least an hour or until the spray has dried.

· Wear protective clothing when using any chemical products. Information on the type of personal protective equipment and safe use guides can be found on the label for the product. If you have questions contact the manufacturer or call the poison control hot line.

· If pesticides are splashed onto the skin, rinse with soap and running water. Wash your clothing after using chemicals too.

· Remember to always put every medicine and vitamin up and away and out of a child’s reach and sight – every time they are used.