Dry Hydrant Testing
By Fire Chief Peter Lazaro
November 6, 2015

Every year, we test water sources around the fire district. Our regular fire hydrants are tested by the Town of Bedford Water Department. However, our other water sources, including dry hydrants, are tested by the fire department.

What is a dry hydrant? A dry hydrant is a non-pressurized pipe installed at a stream, pond or lake that is in close proximity to a road. Dry hydrants provide firefighters with a way to replenish their water supplies. A fire crew can refill its fire engine or tanker truck from a dry hydrant which is located near the fire area. They do this by attaching a suction line to the dry hydrant and pulling water through the dry hydrant from the stream, pond or lake and pumping it into their apparatus.

You will recognize dry hydrants because they are located next to local water sources and they are fixed single red pipes that come up out of the ground and angle toward the road.

In the photos, FF Steven Berlin and FF Kyle Carleton are testing the dry hydrant on Oliver Road.